Soros-Backed Group's Authoritarian Hypocrisy Exposed Again

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Outrageous Hypocrisy: George Soros-Backed Group Exposed for Authoritarian Tactics**

A troubling exposé reveals the disturbing internal culture of Fair and Just Prosecution (FJP), a group notorious for its ties to billionaire George Soros and its political influence over prosecutors across the nation.

According to a recent report by the Daily Wire, employees working under FJP's executive director, Miriam Krinsky, have described a workplace rife with "authoritarian" practices and allegations of internal racism.

Sources within the organization have commented on the stark contrast between FJP's public agenda—which includes calls for police defunding—and its internal operations.

They emphasize that Krinsky wields power in a manner that exploits the racial dynamics of her predominantly young and minority staff, manipulating them to tighten her grip on authority.

This internal culture of fear and retaliation starkly contradicts FJP’s publicly touted mission of criminal justice reform, revealing the pervasive hypocrisy often found in far-left initiatives.

FJP has succeeded in placing 126 left-leaning prosecutors in key positions throughout the country, utilizing a model that emphasizes leniency toward criminals while pursuing aggressive litigation against political adversaries and critics.

As the report highlights, employees withhold criticism due to fears of retaliation, indicating a troubling atmosphere that contradicts FJP’s claims of promoting justice and fairness.

FJP aims to steer all Soros-backed prosecutors toward adopting a philosophy that shuns traditional law enforcement practices. Alarmingly, this includes a history of celebrating the conviction of police officers, while simultaneously advocating for the very officers they claim to support.

Krinsky recently found herself at odds with DeKalb County District Attorney Sherry Boston, a Soros-backed prosecutor, after Krinsky allegedly dismissed Boston’s race-based complaints as simply a lack of merit. This public dismissal speaks volumes about the organization’s hypocrisy and deep-seated issues surrounding race and power.

As more details emerge from internal documents revealing FJP's operations, it underscores a systemic issue within groups funded by Soros—ones that claim to support underrepresented communities while failing miserably to practice what they preach.

This exposé serves as a call to action, urging the public to hold these organizations accountable and question their true impact on justice reform.

As conservatives and concerned citizens mobilize against these leftist ideologies, it’s imperative to shine a light on the hypocrisy of those who pretend to champion equality while operating under a cloak of authoritarianism.


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