Illegal Immigration Crisis: A Threat to American Communities

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Rampant Illegal Immigration: A Burden on American Communities**

As illegal immigration continues to rise under the current administration, a recent report from the House Homeland Security Committee highlights alarming statistics that concern many American citizens.

In August alone, there were nearly 159,000 encounters with illegal immigrants nationwide, with over 107,000 at the Southwest border alone. This represents a staggering increase of more than 3% from the previous month, indicating a troubling trend that has persisted throughout the Biden-Harris administration.

For context, the total number of illegal immigrants encountered under the Biden administration has surpassed 10.3 million, starkly contrasting with the 3.1 million recorded during the Trump administration from fiscal years 2017 to 2020. This spike reflects not just a failure of policy but an encroaching crisis affecting communities across the nation.

The numbers reveal that no monthly encounters at ports of entry have dropped below 90,000 since February 2023, showcasing an unprecedented level of immigration that has left many Americans grappling with its impacts. Furthermore, more than 1.3 million inadmissible individuals have been granted entry through various mass-parole programs initiated by the current administration, casting doubts on border security and local economies.

As part of their ongoing efforts to deflect criticism, Vice President Kamala Harris has attempted to present herself as tough on immigration. However, her history as California’s Attorney General raises serious questions regarding her credibility. Harris notably defended sanctuary city policies and resisted federal efforts to deport criminal aliens, which undermines any claim she may have to effective immigration enforcement.

The situation is exacerbated by reports of misconduct, such as the disturbing case of a Michigan waterpark allegedly trafficking undocumented workers. In this incident, several undocumented immigrants were bussed from Chicago and promised wages that were not fulfilled, indicating a systemic abuse that reflects broader issues in immigration policy enforcement.

This combination of increasing illegal immigration and allegations of exploitation paint a troubling picture for American communities. As the nation grapples with these challenges, the contrast with previous administration policies becomes ever more pronounced.

America deserves a robust immigration system that prioritizes lawful entry and secures our borders, ensuring safety and stability for all citizens.


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