National Security Threat from Unchecked Illegal Immigration

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**CRISIS: Unchecked Illegal Immigration Poses National Security Threat**

In a troubling revelation from the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), officials have expressed grave concerns about the rising tide of “Special Interest Aliens” (SIAs) entering the United States from Mexico.

In recent apprehensions, Texas DPS troopers caught a group of Turkish nationals with military-age men attempting to cross the border illegally.

These individuals were identified as SIAs, raising alarms about potential ties to terrorism.

Lt. Chris Olivarez of Texas DPS shared a video interview that revealed how these men were smuggled through sophisticated networks originating in Istanbul.

The interview uncovered shocking details: they paid over $12,000 each to enter the U.S. through what they described as a network accessed via social media platforms like Telegram and Instagram.

Such admissions ought to evoke serious alarm among American citizens regarding who is crossing our borders.

The Biden administration's lack of decisive action to curb this influx has only exacerbated the situation.

Retired San Diego Border Patrol Chief Aaron Heitke testified that under the current administration, the number of SIAs apprehended soared, with statistics reporting over 1,800 individuals connected to terrorism apprehended since fiscal 2021.

This unprecedented rise occurred while law enforcement was reportedly instructed to downplay these arrests, raising concerns about transparency and accountability from the federal government.

During recent operations, DPS discovered more than 100 SIAs in 2022, a staggering increase compared to the mere 10 to 15 per year in previous years.

With thousands cross-border daily, the current situation reflects a stark contrast to the secure and orderly border policies that characterized the previous administration under Donald Trump.

Texans are left to bear the brunt of this crisis, with the disastrous border policies endangering citizens and law enforcement alike.

The situation is dire; Texas DPS is now employing every available tool—working collaboratively with local, county, and federal law enforcement—to enhance screening and ensure public safety.

Governor Greg Abbott's Operation Lone Star has become critical in combating this rampant illegal immigration and human trafficking crisis, which continues to undermine state and national security.

Constitutionally, the federal government is obligated to protect every state from such invasions under Article IV, Section 4, yet that promise appears to be unraveling under the current administration.

As the chaos continues, the American people demand answers, and it is high time for accountability from those in power charged with safeguarding our borders.


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