Biden’s Energy Policies Drive Soaring Electricity Prices

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago


That’s the grim reality Americans are facing as electricity prices in the U.S. have surged by an astonishing 26 percent since the beginning of 2021.

This staggering increase can be traced back to policies championed by the Biden administration, with strong support from Vice President Kamala Harris.

The origins of this price spike lie deeper, rooted in the failed energy policies introduced during the Obama administration.

Back in 2008, then-Senator Barack Obama stated that under his energy plan, electricity rates would “necessarily skyrocket.”

Fast forward to today, and it’s evident that his administration’s Clean Power Plan has led to an intentional decline in the availability of reliable energy sources, particularly coal.

As a result, the American public is now feeling the pinch.

Since February 2021, right after Biden’s inauguration, electricity prices have increased significantly while incomes have struggled to keep pace.

To add context, personal incomes have grown by only 18.6 percent during the same period.

Worse yet, overall electricity generation has lagged behind rising demand. With a population increase of over 30 million in the last decade, it’s no surprise that more consumers are facing higher utility bills.

The current administration’s energy transition has favored renewable sources primarily at the expense of traditional thermal electricity, like coal and natural gas.

In fact, coal generation alone has plunged by 44.4 percent since 2008, all part of a strategy to push consumers towards less reliable—often more expensive—energy alternatives.

Despite the rising demand for electricity, gas and coal production, which together still represent the majority of our energy supply, is being deliberately reduced.

The recent passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which allocated $783 billion for green energy subsidies, further links Harris and the Democrats to these rising consumer pressures.

By advocating for these extreme policies, they are essentially placing a heavy financial burden on households across the country.

As the Biden administration continues down this path, Americans must consider the implications of their energy policies.

What we need now more than ever is a return to energy independence and affordability—principles that former President Donald Trump championed during his time in office.

By embracing common-sense energy solutions that promote job growth and consumer protection, we can combat the crushing economic consequences stemming from the current administration’s agenda.

The battle for a more reliable and cost-effective energy future is just beginning, and it demands leadership that prioritizes the American worker over political ideologies.


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