Trump's Favorability Surges Against Hochul's Declining Ratings

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Surprising Approval Ratings Reflect Trump's Resilience Among New Yorkers**

In a striking revelation from a Siena College poll, former President Donald Trump is now enjoying a higher net favorability rating than New York Governor Kathy Hochul.

While both public figures face significant challenges in their approval ratings, Trump stands at 39% approval, with 57% disapproving. Meanwhile, Hochul finds herself in a more precarious position, with only 34% of New Yorkers expressing approval for her leadership, marking a stark imbalance with 54% disapproving of her time in office.

Pollster Steven Greenberg commented on this unexpected outcome, noting, "Hochul’s favorability rating, 20 points underwater, is worse than Trump’s, 18 points underwater." This statement underscores the former President's surprising appeal even in a largely Democratic stronghold.

Trump's recent rally in Long Island saw him proclaiming his intent to reclaim New York, a state that hasn’t voted for a Republican presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan in 1984. "We are going to win New York," he declared confidently, tapping into his deep-rooted connections and historical presence in the Empire State.

The former President's ability to resonate with New York voters is noteworthy, particularly against the backdrop of Hochul’s declining approval numbers. Despite her party affiliation, Hochul has struggled to maintain a robust connection with constituents, indicated by a significant drop in her favorability ratings since last month.

As we approach the November election, Trump’s assertion that winning New York could swing the national election in his favor is particularly significant. His appeal in a traditionally blue state could signal a seismic shift in voter sentiment, providing a pathway to victory that many may have deemed improbable just a few years ago.

While the road ahead is filled with uncertainty, Trump's ability to galvanize support and the contrast with the current governor's diminishing approval ratings suggest that anything is possible in this election cycle.


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