Soros-Funded Group Launches New Attack on Free Speech

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 1 day ago

**Censorship and Manipulation: The Left’s Latest Assault on Free Speech**

In a chilling development ahead of the 2024 election, a George Soros-funded group is intensifying its censorship efforts, posing a grave threat to free speech across the nation.

The radical organization, Free Press, has announced the launch of its Orwellian initiative titled “Democracy Is …,” which aims to empower journalists and the public to silence dissenting voices through a campaign of “disinformation” flagging on social media platforms.

With at least $2 million injected into Free Press from Soros between 2017 and 2021, the implications of this initiative should alarm every American who values the First Amendment.

In a press release, Free Press claimed that its new scheme will strengthen democracy by ensuring tech platforms combat misinformation.

However, the reality is that this is nothing more than a concerted effort to target conservative viewpoints and diminish the voices of those who challenge the left’s narratives surrounding critical issues such as climate change, COVID-19, and more.

A coalition of left-leaning groups backing this initiative includes notorious entities like the Center for Countering Digital Hate, whose entire agenda revolves around pressuring Big Tech to enforce stringent censorship measures against opposing viewpoints.

Free Press has taken aim at Big Tech companies, demanding the expansion of “critical moderation and enforcement teams” that would act as gatekeepers of acceptable speech, effectively reintroducing the 1984-era Ministry of Truth.

This campaign follows a broader pattern of leftist groups attempting to sway technological power to stifle viewpoints they disagree with, especially ahead of the crucial upcoming elections.

As the group asserts that “democracy is under attack,” one must question who truly stands to benefit from these authoritarian tactics.

The vehement push for more stringent content moderation and suppression of what they label as misinformation is not only undemocratic but also underscores the left's determination to control the narrative.

The comments of MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider resonate strongly in this context: “Nothing can be more undemocratic than silencing half of America.”

With recent attacks on free speech ramping up, conservatives are right to raise their voices in defense of their rights.

It is imperative that Republicans and all Americans concerned about their constitutional freedoms stand firm against these unilateral efforts to suppress political discourse.

Contact your representatives today and demand accountability from Big Tech, advocating for transparency, fairness, and most importantly, protection of free speech for everyone.


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