California's Ammo Fee Increase: Assault on Second Amendment

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 days ago

**Attack on Personal Freedoms: California's Ammo Fees Soar Under Bonta's Regime**

The ongoing assault on Second Amendment rights in California reached a new height as Attorney General Rob Bonta announced a staggering 400% increase in the fee for ammunition background checks.

This proposed hike from $1 to $5 per transaction is an egregious example of how California lawmakers are turning the screws on law-abiding gun owners while failing to crack down on the real criminals fueling gun violence.

In a state where stringent gun laws are already in place, this increase is just another step in a broader agenda to make exercising those rights financially burdensome.

Legal gun owners are faced with a cumbersome process that requires them to undergo background checks for every single purchase.

This not only places an undue financial burden on responsible citizens but also creates an environment ripe for false denials, which can prevent law-abiding residents from obtaining the ammunition they need for self-defense or sport shooting.

The irony that Bonta’s push for increase comes amid a recent federal court ruling deeming the state’s background check law unconstitutional is hard to ignore.

Despite the judge’s ruling, Bonta seems unfazed, doubling down on his agenda against gun ownership under the guise of public safety.

Critics argue that rather than targeting lawful gun owners, Bonta should allocate resources toward prosecuting criminals who exploit loopholes to obtain firearms and ammunition illegally.

Bonta’s proposal has drawn sharp rebuke from organizations like the National Shooting Sports Foundation, which see it as a thinly veiled attack on the Second Amendment.

Gun owners are already dealing with the exorbitant costs tied to acquiring a carry permit in various jurisdictions across California, which can exceed $1,000.

Now, with this proposed fee hike, the state's leadership continues to create barriers that deter responsible gun ownership and discourage citizens from exercising their rights.

As California remains a focal point in the national discussion regarding gun rights, this development signals troubling times ahead for gun owners.

The question remains: when will lawmakers prioritize the needs and rights of their constituents over the entrenchment of punitive financial measures?

The landscape of gun rights in the Golden State is shifting, and one can only hope that the voices of law-abiding citizens will not go unheard in this complex battle for personal freedoms.


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