Defending Freedom: Act Against Iran and Hamas Now

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 days ago

**Confronting Terror: Time for Action Against Iran and Hamas**

As the world reels from the ruthless actions of Hamas and their Iranian backers, the call for decisive action has never been more urgent.

The Biden-Harris administration's passive approach to Iran's escalating support for terrorism must end.

Iran, labeled as the leading state sponsor of terror, has brazenly used the sanctions relief afforded by the current administration to bolster its military capabilities and finance groups like Hamas.

This comes as nearly 1,200 lives were lost following Hamas' brutal incursion into Israel on October 7, 2023, with over 30 of those casualties being American citizens.

Senator Lindsey Graham has powerfully highlighted the undeniable connection between Tehran and the actions of Hamas.

As he pointed out, "Iran is the Great Satan here. Hamas is the junior partner."

The situation is dire, with American troops being targeted by Iranian proxies over 160 times since the onset of hostilities in October.

The lack of a firm response from the current administration stands in stark contrast to the proactive measures taken by previous administrations in confronting terrorism.

In fact, since the lifting of sanctions, Iran has reportedly realized gains of up to $100 billion, which has been funneled into international terror operations.

Furthermore, the release of hostages, such as American-Israeli Hersh Goldberg-Polin, underscores the impotence of a strategy that allows Iran to act without consequence.

Hamas' cowardice is evident in its strategy of embedding military assets within civilian areas, directly placing innocent lives at risk while seeking to politicize their death toll.

If Hamas truly cared about the people of Gaza, they would not place military infrastructure within crowded humanitarian zones.

It's time that the United States takes a strong stand against this barbarity.

We must hold Iran accountable, dispatch military measures against their oil refineries, and make it clear that our nation will no longer tolerate this kind of aggression.

This situation demands more than mere sanctions—it requires a resolute military response aimed at dismantling the operational capabilities of both Hamas and Iran.

In taking decisive action, America can turn a corner in the ongoing fight against Islamist extremism and reaffirm its position as a global leader against terrorism.

While innocent lives hang in the balance, the message must be sent loud and clear: the United States will not stand idly by while terror reigns.

The path forward demands strength, not weakness.

It's time for the Biden administration to rise to this occasion and act in defense of both American citizens and our allies abroad.


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