Harris Abandons Netanyahu: A Signal of Indifference

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 44 days ago

**Absence of Leadership: Kamala Harris Snubs Netanyahu's Crucial Address**

Vice President Kamala Harris's conspicuous absence from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress raises serious questions about her commitment to U.S. allies and global security.

On July 24, Netanyahu was set to address Congress regarding the ongoing war against Hamas and the urgent need to secure the release of hostages, including both American and Israeli citizens. Typically, the Vice President presides over such significant events, symbolizing the unity and bipartisan support for an ally in a time of crisis. Harris’s absence, alongside that of over 30 other congressional Democrats, speaks volumes about the current administration's priorities.

The Biden administration, already under scrutiny for its handling of various foreign policy issues, seems to treat a key partner like Israel with indifference. Harris's excuse for not attending was her commitment to a sorority event in Indiana. However, evidence suggests that she knew about Netanyahu's scheduled speech well in advance, raising doubts about the sincerity of her commitment.

Critics, including some Israeli officials, have openly questioned Harris's judgment, suggesting that her absence reflects a troubling inability to distinguish between good and evil in international relations. This sentiment is exacerbated by the Biden administration's broader approach, which has often skewed towards a more conciliatory stance towards adversarial regimes, while neglecting the needs and voices of steadfast allies.

Furthermore, Vietnam’s visit is particularly poignant, as it is Netanyahu's fourth address to Congress; he is now tied with Winston Churchill for the most visits by a foreign leader. The invitation for this address was a bipartisan effort, reflecting a united front from U.S. congressional leadership in support of Israel during troubling times.

As Harris insists on campaigning and attending events focused on domestic issues, the absent leadership in foreign policy functions is alarming. It signals a potential detachment from global reality and an unsettling trend that could undermine U.S. credibility on the world stage.

In light of these developments, it becomes imperative for American citizens to reflect on what their leaders are prioritizing and how that aligns with the nation's longstanding commitments to democracy and security—both at home and abroad. The contrast is stark when examining the responses from Republican leaders, who recognize the significance of Netanyahu's presence and the message it sends to allies and foes alike.

With a pivotal election approaching and the landscape of international relations continuously shifting, the American electorate must ask: is this the kind of leadership we want guiding our country during challenging times?


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