House Republicans Strengthen Election Integrity with SAVE Act

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 9 days ago


House Republicans have taken swift action to secure the integrity of American elections while also keeping the federal government funded through March 2025.

On Friday, House Speaker Mike Johnson introduced a continuing resolution that aims to prevent a government shutdown and includes the critical Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act.

The SAVE Act, which requires proof of citizenship for voters in federal elections, has received bipartisan support in the House, having been previously passed in July.

Speaker Johnson emphasized the necessity of the legislation, stating, “Congress has a responsibility to do both—keep the government funded and secure our federal election process.”

He further asserted, “Only American citizens should decide American elections,” highlighting the importance of enforcing legal standards in voter registration.

While Republicans have rallied around this vital proposal, challenges remain in the Senate, where Democrats have dismissed the issue, arguing it could disenfranchise voters over minor errors.

However, mounting evidence suggests that election integrity is a pressing concern. Activist Marly Hornik recently revealed alarming statistics indicating over 3.5 million voter registrations across multiple states that fail to meet legal standards.

These findings raise serious questions about the validity of voter rolls, urging immediate action to clean up the discrepancies before the crucial 2024 elections.

Hornik’s legal appeal focuses on several states, including North Carolina and Pennsylvania, aiming to rectify these issues through federal court actions.

With Congress poised to tackle a range of agenda items this fall, including budgetary concerns, Republicans are determined to prioritize the integrity of the electoral process.

Those advocating for the SAVE Act stand firm in their conviction that meaningful voter ID laws can significantly enhance election security and restore confidence in the democratic process.

As the political landscape evolves, Republicans remain steadfast in their commitment to ensuring that every vote cast is legitimate and every citizen's right to vote is protected.

The landscape isn’t just about numbers; it's about the foundational principles of democracy and ensuring that every American citizen can trust in the election outcomes that shape their government.

The resolution is more than just a budgeting tool; it serves as a critical opportunity to undergird the integrity of elections while navigating the complexities of government funding amid a divided Congress.


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