CNN's Van Jones: Biden May Not Finish Term, Harris Could Take Over

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 days ago

CNN's Van Jones raises concerns about Joe Biden's ability to serve full term, suggests Kamala Harris could become president.

In a recent CNN interview, commentator Van Jones expressed doubts about Joe Biden's ability to complete a full term as president, stating that there is a "high likelihood" that a Biden victory would ultimately lead to Kamala Harris becoming president.

Jones' comments come after a series of gaffes and missteps by Biden during the campaign trail, which have raised concerns about his mental acuity and ability to lead the country. Despite Biden's strong performance in the first presidential debate, Jones noted that it was "hard to unsee" the previous day's events, which included Biden stumbling over his words and appearing confused at times.

Jones' comments are not the first time that concerns have been raised about Biden's ability to serve as president. In recent months, several prominent Republicans and conservative commentators have questioned whether Biden is up to the task of leading the country, citing his age and a series of verbal blunders.

However, Jones' comments are particularly noteworthy given his status as a commentator on a mainstream news network. While CNN has been accused of having a liberal bias in the past, Jones' remarks suggest that even some on the left are beginning to have doubts about Biden's fitness for office.

Polls have shown that Harris is even less popular than Biden, raising concerns among Democrats that she would be unable to bring the country together if she were to become president. However, some have suggested that Harris' unpopularity could be due to her own missteps and controversial positions on issues such as criminal justice reform.

Regardless of the reasons for Harris' unpopularity, Jones' comments highlight the importance of choosing a vice-presidential candidate who is capable of stepping into the role of president if necessary. With the election just months away, voters will have to decide whether they feel comfortable with the prospect of Harris becoming president if Biden is unable to complete his term.
