O'Reilly: Biden 'Done,' White House Uncertainty Looms

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 days ago

Bill O'Reilly declares Joe Biden's presidency "done," citing internal polling and White House uncertainty.

Bill O'Reilly, a conservative political commentator, has made a bold statement regarding President Joe Biden's future in the White House. In a recent post on his website, O'Reilly claimed that Biden is "done" and that the White House is unsure of how or when to make the announcement.

O'Reilly, who holds a BA in history from Marist and considers himself a historian, went so far as to rank Biden as the second-worst president in American history, behind only James Buchanan. He accused Biden of turning the country towards Marxism, damaging the economy, and flooding the border with foreigners who are permanently changing the nation.

While O'Reilly did not provide concrete evidence to support his claims, he suggested that his information came from internal polling and sources within the White House. He also pointed to Biden's poor performance in recent debates, which he claimed was known to the Biden team in advance.

Despite O'Reilly's assertions, there is still significant support for Biden within the Democratic Party. A recent CBS poll found that 55% of Democrats want him to remain in office. However, there is also pressure on Biden to step down, with some speculating that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the media would prefer a new candidate.

The question of whether or not Biden will resign remains unanswered, but O'Reilly's statements have certainly added fuel to the fire. As the situation continues to unfold, it is clear that the future of the Biden presidency is uncertain.

In conclusion, Bill O'Reilly's recent comments have sparked a debate over the future of Joe Biden's presidency. While O'Reilly's claims are not backed up by concrete evidence, they do reflect a growing sense of unease within the Democratic Party. As we wait for more information, it is clear that the situation is far from resolved.
