Tennessee Secures Elections: 14,000 Voters Asked for Citizenship Proof

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 days ago

Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett is taking steps to ensure a fair election by asking thousands of voters to provide proof of citizenship ahead of the presidential election in November. This move has outraged Democrats, who are demanding an investigation and accusing Hargett's office of attempting to intimidate voters.

The Tennessee Secretary of State's Office confirmed that the Division of Elections sent out more than 14,000 letters questioning the citizenship status of potential non-U.S. citizens. The letter offers U.S. citizens a prepaid mailing option to submit proof of their citizenship such as a passport or birth certificate.

Tennessee Senator Bill Hagerty (R) praised Hargett's move and jabbed at Democrats' lack of initiative to secure the election. "If an outstanding Secretary of State’s Office like we have in Tennessee has identified and is taking action on 14,375 potential non-citizens who may have registered to vote, imagine what Blue State officials aren’t doing or won’t do," he wrote on X Wednesday.

This comes as government agencies in 49 states are providing voter registration forms to illegal aliens without requiring proof of citizenship, and at least 19 states and Washington, DC, also allow non-citizens to obtain driver’s licenses. These insecure and easily exploitable Democrat policies have led Republican lawmakers like Hargett to take steps to ensure a fair election.

House Republicans have yet to schedule a floor vote for the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which will require states to receive proof of citizenship when anyone registers to vote by mail, at a DMV or a welfare agency office. Reports suggest the measure could be brought for a vote before the August recess.

It is important to note that illegal voting is a felony punishable by two years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000. The letter sent out by the Tennessee Secretary of State's Office points out this fact and offers U.S. citizens a prepaid mailing option to submit proof of their citizenship.

This move by Hargett's office is a necessary step to ensure the integrity of the election and prevent voter fraud. It is unfortunate that Democrats are attempting to politicize this issue and accuse Hargett of voter intimidation. The American people deserve a fair and secure election, and Hargett's office is taking the necessary steps to ensure that happens.
