Disturbing Algorithm Discovered in NY Voter Rolls: Potential Threat to Election Integrity

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 days ago

A disturbing discovery has been made in New York state's voter registration roll, suggesting a potential threat to election integrity. Dr. Andrew Paquette, research director of the all-volunteer citizens' group New York Citizens Audit (NYCA), has found evidence of an algorithm designed to facilitate election fraud.

The algorithm changes the voter ID number assignment so that the ID numbers no longer increase by increments of one tied to the order in which voters register. Instead, the ID numbers appear scrambled, with no linear sequential order. This makes it possible to hide and, when needed, track fake voter registrations.

This discovery is particularly concerning given that similar algorithms have been found in several other state board of election voter registration rolls, including in Ohio. It raises serious questions about voter integrity and the potential for election fraud.

Dr. Paquette has described the algorithm as a "Spiral Cipher" recoding of the New York state voter registration voter roll. He has explained his hypothesis that the algorithm systematically builds the potential for election fraud into the New York State Board of Elections voter registration roll in a 2023 article entitled "The Caesar Cipher and Stacking the Deck in the New York State Voter Rolls," published in the Journal of Information Warfare.

In his paper, Dr. Paquette noted that there are hundreds of thousands of illegally generated registrations in the official New York State Board of Election voter rolls. The exact number is unknown, but it is not less than about 338,000 for registrations active for the 2020 General Election. Since then, Dr. Paquette has upgraded his original estimate registration jumps from between 1.2 and 1.4 million to closer to a minimum of 2 million.

It is important to note that this article does not allege that any particular election in New York state or elsewhere was fraudulent. Rather, it is a plea for additional investigation into the potential for election fraud in the state.

This discovery comes at a time when concerns about election integrity are at an all-time high. The United Nations has recently unveiled a series of censorship initiatives, including the Global Principles for Information Integrity, which aim to combat "misinformation," "hate speech," and "disinformation" through algorithmic censorship and demonetization.

While the UN's efforts are focused on social media and online platforms, the discovery of an algorithm designed to facilitate election fraud in New York state's voter registration roll highlights the need for greater scrutiny of election processes and systems.

In a separate development, a Georgia real estate agent has filed a "cancel culture" lawsuit against LGBTQ+ activists she says have repeatedly used false claims to prevent her from earning a living in her field. The lawsuit alleges that the activists engaged in a "cancel culture" campaign to prevent the agent from earning a living and to distort and silence her objection to a local library providing children with unfettered access to sexual, adult-themed books.

The lawsuit contends that the LGBTQ activists willfully spread falsehoods and misrepresentations to silence the agent and deprive her of employment, in violation of Georgia law. The case is part of a broad, national effort to protect victims of "cancel culture."

In conclusion, the discovery of an algorithm designed to facilitate election fraud in New York state's voter registration roll is a cause for concern. It raises serious questions about voter integrity and the potential for election fraud. The UN's efforts to combat "misinformation," "hate speech," and "disinformation" through algorithmic censorship and demonetization, while well-intentioned, may not be enough to address the root causes of these issues. Greater scrutiny of election processes and systems is needed to ensure the integrity of our elections.
