Trump Energizes New York Voters with Historic Rally in the Bronx

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 118 days ago

In a historic rally in the deep-blue Bronx, former President Donald Trump expressed confidence in his ability to win New York in the upcoming election. Drawing a crowd of 25,000 supporters, Trump declared, "I think we can win New York as a presidential candidate because I have a special relationship with these people."

This event followed a visit to New Jersey, where he attracted an estimated 80,000 to 100,000 attendees in the traditionally blue state. Trump highlighted the growing support by stating that he increased his 2016 vote total by about 11 million in the 2020 election.

The diverse group of attendees at the rally included Black, Hispanic, White, Asian, and Muslim supporters who traveled from various states to show their support. Despite trailing Biden in recent polls, one rallygoer expressed belief in Trump's ability to win New York, stating, "there's always room for surprises."

During the rally, Trump promised to "turn New York City around" by addressing issues such as safety, education, homeless, and mental health. He criticized the current leadership and emphasized the need for change in the city and state.

Furthermore, Trump used the opportunity to criticize the economic policies of the Biden administration, particularly focusing on issues affecting Black and Hispanic families.

Trump's rally in the Bronx showcased strong support and his determination to win New York in the upcoming election, promising a revitalization of the city under his leadership.


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