Biden Administration Obscures Border Security Terror Threats

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Silenced by the Biden Administration: Border Security Data Underreported as Terror Threats Rise**

In a startling revelation, former Chief Border Patrol Agent Aaron Heitke testified before the House Homeland Security Committee this week, claiming that the Biden-Harris administration instructed him to keep silent regarding a significant increase in terror suspects attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

Heitke highlighted a staggering rise in what are classified as "significant interest aliens" (SIAs) — individuals with known ties to terrorism. The data reveals that the arrests of these potential threats increased dramatically from a mere 10-15 SIAs before 2021 to over 100 documented in 2022 alone.

Heitke's revelations echo fears that the current administration is not only mismanaging border security but is actively obscuring the truth regarding threats posed by potential terrorists. In an effort to project an image of safety at the border, top officials are allegedly withholding critical information from the public, thereby endangering national security.

Heitke stated unequivocally, “I was ordered by the administration not to release any information on this increase in SIAs.” His testimony suggests a concerted effort by the Biden-Harris regime to convince Americans that the crisis at the border is being effectively managed, a claim that is increasingly difficult to accept in light of mounting evidence to the contrary.

Moreover, Heitke emphasized that the logistical failures under the current administration extend beyond just terrorism concerns. He noted that over 150,000 flights have brought illegal immigrants into Texas, all while federal resources for tracking the deadly fentanyl crisis remain nearly nonexistent.

This lack of transparency and mismanagement could have dire implications. As Heitke pointed out, he was often instructed to release illegal immigrants into local communities that lacked the resources to support them, further straining local systems.

As voters head into the next election cycle, it is imperative that they consider these troubling admissions. The evidence suggests that the Biden-Harris administration’s handling of border security not only presents risks from potential terror threats but also reveals a broader pattern of negligence concerning public safety.

The question now looms large: Will Americans continue to trust a government that appears more interested in political optics than in the reality of what is happening at our borders? As calls for accountability grow louder, it’s becoming clear that the American people deserve far better than what they are currently receiving.


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