Jimmy Fallon Roasts CNN's Ratings and Reveals Biden-Trump Debate Details

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 71 days ago

Republican Blogger: Source - Fox News

Late-night host Jimmy Fallon mocked CNN for their low ratings while discussing the upcoming debate between President Biden and former President Trump. Fallon announced that Biden and Trump will participate in two debates, with the first hosted by CNN on June 27. Biden's team demanded restrictions for the matchup, including a debate without a live audience in a televised studio.

Fallon joked about CNN hosting the debate due to Biden's condition of no audience participation. He highlighted Fox News's higher ratings compared to CNN and MSNBC, emphasizing the network's dominance in the key 25-54 demographic.

The article mentioned Biden's push for a one-on-one debate without third-party candidates and the demand to mute candidates' microphones once their speaking time expires to ensure a structured exchange of views.

CNN's expected imposition of further debate restrictions, as advocated by the Biden campaign, aims to create a controlled and orderly environment for the debate, including equal speaking time and the exclusion of potential threats like independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Source: foxnews.com

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