Rubio accuses Biden of leaking Netanyahu call to appease anti-Israel activists: 'Game they are playing'

Posted 102 days ago


Republican Sen. Marco Rubio accused President Biden of sharing the details of his private phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the press in order to appease anti-Israel "pro-terrorist" activists within the Democratic Party.

On Saturday, Iran launched an unprecedented aerial attack on Israel, firing 170 drones, more than 30 cruise missiles and more than 120 ballistic missiles towards Israel. Out of the hundreds of launches, only a "few" crossed into Israel and caused "minor damages" at the Navatim Airbase, the IDF said.

President Biden reportedly called Netanyahu to congratulate him for fending off the attacks while also urging him not to retaliate against Iran and escalate tensions in the region.

Rubio claimed that Biden shared the private details of this call "to appease" cease-fire activists whom he argued were really "pro-terrorist."

Rubio argued the U. S. already knew Israel would retaliate, so this was part of a political "game" the Biden administration was playing.

"There’s only one reason they leaked that. And that is that so when Israel does respond, the White House can say, ‘We told them not to do it,’ and at least somehow, in some way, appease these so-called peace activists," he told CNN's Jake Tapper.

"By the way, these ‘cease-fire now’ people who were out yesterday cheering the launch of hundreds of rockets and drones and missiles against Israel. People that are out there cheering military attacks of this scale and scope are not peace activists. These are antisemites, anti-Israel, pro-terrorist elements out there. And we need to stop calling them peace activists."... (Read more)

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