Biden's Border Lies Exposed: The Real Crisis Unfolds

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 82 days ago

**Falsehoods and Facts: Biden's Border Claims Under Fire**

In a stark revelation, President Joe Biden's recent claims regarding border security and illegal crossings have come under intense scrutiny.

During his latest address to the nation, Biden asserted that “border crossings are lower today than when the previous administration left office.”

However, this assertion has been effectively debunked by experts and data, revealing a far more troubling reality regarding illegal immigration in the United States.

Statistician studies show an alarming increase in illegal border crossings since Biden assumed office, contradicting his assertions of improvement.

In fact, under the Trump administration, the U.S. witnessed an average of about 1 million apprehensions annually, with numbers significantly decreasing as a result of robust policies aimed at securing the border.

In stark contrast, the Biden administration has seen over 2.7 million apprehensions in fiscal year 2022 alone, with numbers continuing to escalate.

Former Immigration and Customs Enforcement director Tom Homan highlighted the blatant discrepancies, noting that "the most important data point is this: how many illegal aliens has this administration released into the U.S. despite the legal requirement to detain them?"

The figures are staggering – an estimated 8 million illegal immigrants have been released into the country, raising legitimate concerns about national security and public safety.

Furthermore, the numbers reported by Biden and his administration exclude a substantial number of "gotaways," individuals who evade capture and are unaccounted for in the illegal immigration statistics.

This omission shrouds the true scale of the crisis and raises questions about why the administration is glossing over these realities.

Biden's dismissal of border chaos stands in stark contrast to the lived experiences of border communities.

Individuals in these areas have faced unprecedented levels of crime and instability, including a documented increase in drugs, human trafficking, and violent crimes associated with undocumented immigrants.

Critics argue that the current administration’s policies have made a mockery of previous efforts to regain control over U.S. borders.

As more alarming data continues to unfold, the need for stricter enforcement measures and a return to policies that prioritize American security has never been more evident.

In this challenging climate, the American public deserves to know the truth about the impacts of current immigration policies, and why it is crucial to hold this administration accountable for its failures.


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