NPR editor found registered Democrats outnumbered Republicans 87 to zero in newsroom

Posted 108 days ago


An NPR editor blowing the whistle on the left-leaning outlet's biased coverage says voter registration records showed an astonishing disparity between Democrats and Republicans in the newsroom: 87 to zero.

NPR senior business editor Uri Berliner penned a thorough rebuke of his own outlet for The Free Press published Tuesday, criticizing it for telling listeners and readers how to think through a progressive worldview. He pointed in particular to its flawed coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop, Russiagate and the COVID lab-leak theory, and he also claimed NPR leadership's reaction to the George Floyd killing in 2020 was to declare systemic racism was "a given" and "our mission was to change it."

Berliner said the lack of "viewpoint diversity" had spilled over into how NPR covered such topics as the Israel-Gaza war and avoided terms like "biological sex" in its reporting. He said he looked up voter registrations for the NPR newsroom in 2021 and found that in the city's headquarters of Washington, D. C., there were 87 registered Democrats in NPR editorial positions and "zero Republicans."

"So on May 3, 2021, I presented the findings at an all-hands editorial staff meeting. When I suggested we had a diversity problem with a score of 87 Democrats and zero Republicans, the response wasn’t hostile. It was worse," he wrote in The Free Press. "It was met with profound indifference. I got a few messages from surprised, curious colleagues. But the messages were of the ‘oh wow, that’s weird’ variety, as if the lopsided tally was a random anomaly rather than a critical failure of our diversity North Star."

"In a follow-up email exchange, a top NPR news executive told me that she had been ‘skewered’ for bringing up diversity of thought when she arrived at NPR. So, she said, 'I want to be careful how we discuss this publicly.'"

Berliner, who's been at NPR for 25 years, "eagerly" voted against Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020, but wrote he found NPR's advocacy-style coverage of his presidency wrongheaded. He said he'd had regular conversations with news leaders about the homogeneous political culture, to no avail.

"Throughout these exchanges, no one has ever trashed me. That’s not the NPR way. People are polite. But nothing changes. So I’ve become a visible wrong-thinker at a place I love. It’s uncomfortable, sometimes heartbreaking," he wrote.

Asked for comment about the numbers claimed by Berlinger, an NPR spokesperson told Fox News Digital the organization had nearly 1,200 full-time and temporary employees, and wasn't sure where Berliner had gotten his numbers on the newsroom's voter registration.

Berliner noted that polling showed NPR's audience had become significantly less diverse over the years as well, going from slightly left-leaning overall in 2011 to overwhelmingly so by 2023.... (Read more)

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