CNN's Sellers: 'It's Hard for Me to Say Bidenomics Is Working' 

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 60 days ago

CNN's coverage of the Michigan primaries sparked a heated debate between Political Commentator Bakari Sellers and former Obama Adviser David Axelrod. Sellers criticized Bidenomics, questioning its efficacy as people still struggle with rising grocery prices despite apparent successes from Washington. Sellers emphasized the disconnect between legislative victories and tangible benefits for the American people.

Sellers' skepticism towards Bidenomics reflects broader concerns about the current administration's economic policies and their impact on everyday Americans. Axelrod, while acknowledging Biden's economic narrative, highlighted the importance of ensuring that individuals feel the positive effects of these policies on their daily lives.

This exchange underscores the ongoing debate over the effectiveness of Biden's approach to economic issues and its resonance with working-class voters, especially within unions. As the election approaches, the ability of Bidenomics to address real-world concerns like inflation and cost of living will be a crucial factor in determining its political success.
