Concealed Carry Holders Outperform Police Against Shooters

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 5 hours ago

A groundbreaking new study reveals that concealed carry permit holders are significantly more effective at stopping active shooters than police officers.

Research conducted by the Crime Prevention Research Center shows that civilians armed with concealed firearms halted 51.5% of active shooting incidents from 2014 to 2023.

In contrast, law enforcement was only able to stop 44.6% of these situations.

The study emphasizes a stark reality: permit holders not only intervene successfully but do so with fewer mistakes than police.

Over the studied timeframe, armed civilians intervened in 180 of 515 active shooter scenarios, a remarkable number that highlights the effectiveness of responsible gun ownership.

In areas where lawful gun carrying is permitted, civilians interrupted 158 out of 307 instances, showcasing their ability to act decisively in moments of crisis.

Further analysis reveals that the likelihood of permit holders accidentally harming bystanders during these incidents is almost negligible—just 0.56%.

In stark contrast, police officers accidentally shot civilians or fellow officers in four instances, with a much higher fatality rate.

Civilians also face a lower risk during engagements, with data indicating they were nearly six times less likely to be killed when stepping in to stop an active shooter compared to police officers.

This research challenges the mainstream narrative often perpetuated by Hollywood and various gun control organizations, which tend to depict armed citizens as reckless vigilantes.

Instead, these findings support the notion that law-abiding gun owners are critical in protecting public safety.

By effectively countering active shooters, concealed carry permit holders demonstrate a profound commitment to community safety.

As discussions around gun rights and public safety continue, it is essential to acknowledge and support the role responsible gun owners play in defending lives.

The implications of this data are clear: empowering citizens to carry firearms for self-defense not only deters crime but significantly contributes to saving lives during violent events.

Indeed, this research shines a light on the importance of preserving Second Amendment rights amidst growing calls for restrictive gun laws.

As the national conversation evolves, it becomes increasingly vital to recognize the proven benefits of concealed carry and defend the rights of responsible gun owners everywhere.


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