**Chaos Unleashed: Woke Judges Let Violent Offenders Roam Free in NYC**
In a shocking revelation, a recent analysis has exposed the alarming trend of New York City's judges—many appointed during the radical left's tenure—setting violent offenders free at staggering rates.
A recent data review conducted by the *New York Post* indicates that numerous judges are ignoring public safety in favor of leniency, effectively endangering the lives of New Yorkers.
Some judges, including Queens Criminal Court’s Judge Wanda Licitra, have been identified as particularly notorious for releasing violent offenders without bail.
Judge Licitra, who was appointed by former Mayor Bill de Blasio, has earned a reputation for her extreme leniency.
In a staggering example, she failed to set bail for any of the thirty-four violent felony cases she presided over in the first half of 2024, including one incident where a man, arrested for assaulting a subway passenger, verbally attacked her in court.
Critics argue that such decisions are not just irresponsible, but a direct threat to public safety.
A seasoned criminal defense attorney noted, "Judges like that are drinking the Kool-Aid of bail reform," suggesting that ideology is superseding common sense in the judicial process.
The numbers speak for themselves: Judge Licitra, alongside others, has released an astounding percentage of violent offenders back into the community, with some judges allowing culprits to walk free in more than 80% of cases.
The trend of "woke" judicial practices underscores a broader failure of the criminal justice system in New York, where judges are now required to assess a defendant's likelihood to return to court without considering their potential threat to the public.
Another judge, Morales, has come under fire for similar reasons, letting 83 out of 101 violent offenders go free without bail in just half a year.
Reacting to the situation, public safety advocates are sounding the alarm about the rising crime rates and the dangers these policies pose.
Hannah E. Meyers, a director at the Manhattan Institute, emphasized that letting criminals roam free despite their history of violent behavior is a severe dereliction of a judge's responsibility to the community.
Such judicial decisions are a stark reminder of the consequences of "woke" ideologies infiltrating our legal systems.
Clearly, the question remains: will law-abiding citizens continue to pay the price for misguided judicial leniency?
As New Yorkers grapple with the implications of these unprecedented leniencies, it’s crucial that responsible leaders prioritize public safety over radical reform agendas.
The need for our judicial system to re-evaluate its priorities is more pressing than ever.