Democrats Embrace Kelly, Forget Their Hypocritical Past

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 hours ago

**Hypocrisy Unmasked: Democrats Blitz John Kelly as Trump’s Ally, Ignoring Their Past Attacks**

In a shocking display of political hypocrisy, Democrats have rallied behind John Kelly as a critic of Donald Trump while conveniently forgetting their own history of vilifying the former general during his tenure as Secretary of Homeland Security.

Kelly, Donald Trump’s ex-chief of staff, recently made allegations suggesting that Trump holds fascist-like views, claiming the former president yearned for the “kind of generals Hitler had.”

This narrative was quickly echoed by Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz at recent campaign events.

However, it is important to remember that this is not the first time Kelly has made controversial statements regarding Trump.

His previous comments have not gone unnoticed, as they starkly contrast with the Democrats' record of openly criticizing Kelly during his time in the Trump administration.

In fact, many Democrats, including Harris herself, labeled him as unethical and ineffective when he was enforcing policies they opposed—most notably those on immigration.

During his leadership, Kelly was instrumental in executing Trump’s immigration agenda and faced backlash from Democrats who now seem to embrace him as a fellow critic.

They dubbed him a disgrace to his uniform, condemning his actions to enforce border security and inviting criticism from notable Democratic figures like Julián Castro and Elizabeth Warren.

The irony lies not just in their rapid embrace of Kelly but in the timing of these comments, as many Democrats are now framing their election narratives around esteeming someone they once publicly disparaged.

Though Trump’s campaign denies Kelly’s assertions, it seems the left is banking on voter short memories to redefine an ally into a foe overnight.

Only time will tell if these apparent contradictions will resonate with voters as the election approaches.

As evidenced by recent court cases and watchdog efforts, many Americans are closely watching voter integrity issues, including the ongoing lawsuit by Judicial Watch against Oregon for its questionable voter rolls.

With so many pressing concerns facing our nation, it is critical for voters to discern between genuine critiques and politically motivated attacks.

Now, as the election draws near, the American public is left to ponder: can we trust those who pivot so rapidly from condemnation to endorsement, all while peddling fear and misinformation?


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