Democratic Candidate Caught Stealing Trump Campaign Signs

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 5 hours ago

In a shocking display of misconduct, a Democratic candidate for North Carolina's House of Representatives has been arrested for stealing campaign signs supporting former President Donald Trump.

Lowell Simon, 68, who also serves as the Moore County Democratic Party chair, was caught in an act that raises serious questions about the integrity of political discourse among Democrats.

Witnesses reported seeing Simon yank Trump signs from private properties along Seven Lakes Drive in the West End community.

Local law enforcement intervened when a deputy noticed Simon with the signs, subsequently discovering additional signs hidden in his vehicle.

During questioning, Simon acknowledged his actions, calling them hypocritical considering his history of admonishing others against touching signs of opposing candidates.

"I’ve been telling people for years don’t touch opposition signs, but I was mad,” Simon stated, admitting that his emotions drove him to commit the crime.

Authorities charged Simon with two counts of misdemeanor larceny for his actions.

He is set to appear in court later this month, further highlighting discrepancies in the way political speech and campaigning is conducted on both sides of the aisle.

While votes in North Carolina are critical in the upcoming election, Trump's support remains strong, with recent polls indicating a narrow lead in the state.

As the Democratic Party strives to flip North Carolina in the next election, this incident serves as a reminder of the often-overlooked lengths to which some members of the party may go to suppress opposition.

With this election likely shaping the future of the nation, it raises a crucial question: will Democrats continue to engage in tactics that undermine the democratic process and free speech?

As the landscape of American politics grows ever more charged, it is imperative to recognize the significance of these actions and their implications ahead of the election.


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