Remdesivir's Deadly Consequences: 600 Military Lives Lost

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 hours ago

### Exposing the Deadly Truth Behind Remdesivir: Over 600 Military Lives Lost

A troubling revelation has emerged from the Department of Defense that raises serious questions about the use of the controversial drug remdesivir in treating COVID-19 among U.S. service members.

Recent documents provided by a military whistleblower indicate that over 600 service members died after receiving this unapproved treatment.

These findings, shared with journalist J.M. Phelps and reported by the Gateway Pundit, highlight potential negligence within the Department of Defense regarding the drug's safety and efficacy.

The whistleblower, identified only by the pseudonym Daniel LeMay, detailed in his analysis how remdesivir was administered liberally to military personnel during a critical period before the drug had received FDA approval for COVID treatment.

According to the available data, 63.9% of the 941 service members who died between March 2020 and March 2024 had been treated with remdesivir, even as evidence surfaced questioning the drug's effectiveness and safety.

Originally developed to combat Ebola, remdesivir was found to be fatal in a significant percentage of patients in earlier studies. Yet, despite these alarming statistics, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases—led by Dr. Anthony Fauci—granted $6 million to advance research on this drug.

Critics argue that the hurried push to use remdesivir during the pandemic may have prioritized speed over safety, mishandling potentially life-threatening results. Notably, studies have suggested the drug's use was stopped in other countries due to severe adverse reactions.

LeMay raised serious concerns about the lack of transparency surrounding the drug's risks, stating that many service members were not adequately informed before receiving treatment, violating their right to informed consent.

Calls for a Congressional investigation are growing louder as many demand accountability for a health crisis that seems inaccurately managed by those in power.

As the situation unfolds, it is imperative that we hold the responsible parties accountable.

These tragic losses shine a spotlight on the urgent need for scrutiny in our health care decisions, especially when those choices involve the lives of our brave men and women in uniform.


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