Young Black Conservatives Reject Identity Politics, Support Trump

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Rejection of Identity Politics: Young Black Voices Stand with Trump**

In a powerful declaration, young conservative CJ Pearson has blasted former President Barack Obama for promoting identity politics in the upcoming election.

Obama recently urged black men to support Kamala Harris based on her race and the opportunity to “make history.”

Pearson’s response cuts through this superficial appeal, asserting that true progress goes beyond race and demands accountability.

He highlights the failures of the Democratic Party, pointing to the continued struggles within black communities under their leadership.

“What has decades of supporting the Democrats gotten us?” Pearson asks, enumerating rising crime rates and economic hardships affecting inner cities.

Under Obama's administration, these pressing issues persisted, despite promises of hope and change.

Pearson underscores the stark contrast between Obama's administration and Donald Trump's policies.

During Trump’s presidency, black unemployment reached historic lows, and significant reforms were enacted that directly benefited black Americans, such as the First Step Act.

These outcomes speak volumes about the efficacy of leadership focused on tangible results rather than shallow gestures.

Pearson's sentiments resonate with many who feel their votes should be earned through demonstrated results rather than handed out based solely on race.

He argues that the black community deserves leaders who prioritize real change.

His passionate appeal reflects a growing movement among young conservatives who refuse to be sidelined by identity politics and are determined to support candidates who genuinely care about their futures.

As the election draws near, Pearson’s message stands as a call to action for others to think critically about whom they are supporting based on track records, not optics.

In an era where identity can overshadow actual performance, voices like Pearson's remind us that real empowerment comes from accountability and results.


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