Democrats Flip Flop on Election Integrity, Trump Victory

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 1 hour ago

**Hypocrisy Revealed: Democrats Rethink Election Certainty in Wake of Trump**

In a stunning display of hypocrisy, several prominent Democrats have backed away from their commitment to certifying the results of the 2024 presidential election, particularly if Donald Trump emerges victorious.

When asked about their potential reactions to a Trump win, key figures within the Democratic party displayed a reluctance to assure voters that they would embrace the democratic process.

Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, one of the loudest critics of Trump, stated that while he would accept a win based on a “free, fair and honest election,” he does not believe Trump could achieve this feat without manipulation.

Raskin's statements come amid growing concerns about how his party is preparing for the upcoming election.

A similar sentiment echoed from Rep. Jan Schakowsky, who, despite having voted to object to electors for George W. Bush in 2005, now expresses doubts about Trump’s potential methods of winning.

Democrats like Rep. Jim McGovern acknowledged that while he would hope his party recognizes a Trump victory, the circumstance would need to unfold as they expect before he could commit to certifying that outcome.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries proclaimed that Democrats would ensure a smooth certification process in January, but doubts linger about his party's integrity when faced with a Trump victory.

This is not the first time Democrats have attempted to manipulate election outcomes. Their history of protest over the 2000 and 2016 elections, along with the far-left's audacious claims of election fraud following Trump's win, illustrates a troubling pattern of hypocrisy.

Meanwhile, supporters of Trump continue to rally around the idea that he embodies a divine mission to revive American values. Wayne Allyn Root, a prominent author and television personality, asserts that many believe Trump is chosen by God to guide the nation amid currents of communism and moral degradation.

Root urges Christians to unite in support of Trump, highlighting that “now is not the time for a nice Christian guy.” The message resonates with many who feel the stakes have never been higher as the nation faces a critical juncture in its history.

With mounting evidence of fears from the left regarding Trump's candidacy, it's clear the fight for American integrity is at the forefront. The upcoming election will not only reflect the will of the American people but also test the resolve of those determined to uphold their principles despite what may come.

As we await the unfolding drama of the 2024 elections, one thing remains increasingly clear: the left's willingness to undermine democracy reveals just how threatened they feel by the prospect of a Trump return to power.


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