Biden's Chinese Ties: Corruption and National Security Risks

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago


As alarms sound over the Biden administration's questionable connections to Chinese interests, a new scandal has come to light regarding lucrative partnerships with a Chinese-owned electric vehicle company.

Records reveal that BYD Americas, the recipient of a substantial $395,000 subsidy from the Biden-Harris administration's Clean School Bus program, is linked to significant donations made by the company's president, Ke Li, to the Biden campaign. This national security concern raises eyebrows, particularly given the backdrop of heightened scrutiny over foreign influence on American politics.

In October 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency awarded BYD a notable federal check to boost electric vehicle infrastructure, ostensibly as part of a campaign to reinvigorate American manufacturing. Fast forward to November 2023, and Li donated over $40,000 to President Biden's reelection efforts and, subsequently, to Vice President Harris, after Biden's exit from the race.

Critics point out that this pattern of donations from foreign-linked executives signals an unsettling trend where taxpayer dollars, aimed at fostering domestic growth, are being funneled into campaigns that benefit foreign stakeholders. The situation begs urgent questions about the transparency of campaign funding and its potential ramifications for national security.

BYD, known for its ties to the Chinese Communist Party and its involvement in the Belt and Road Initiative, underscores the troubling implications of the Biden administration's green agenda. The firm’s extensive financial contributions to various Democratic candidates, including substantial amounts to California Governor Gavin Newsom during the COVID-19 pandemic, further exemplify a concerning cycle of favor for political contributions that could jeopardize American interests.

The Biden-Harris administration's claims of revitalizing American manufacturing through electric vehicle initiatives ring hollow when coupled with evidence suggesting a trend of empowering foreign interests.

As investigations into BYD and similar entities gain traction, it is imperative for American voters to remain vigilant against any encroachment on national sovereignty disguised as environmental or economic progress.

With the stakes this high, the American public deserves clarity and accountability in the dealings of their government. As this story continues to unfold, it highlights the urgent need for transparency in campaign financing and a firm resolve against foreign influence in American decision-making processes.


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