Next-Gen mRNA Vaccines: Public Health or Corporate Greed?

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 hours ago

The push for next-generation self-amplifying mRNA vaccines raises alarming questions about the future of public health policy in the United States.

As Japan moves forward with the approval of a self-amplifying mRNA (sa-mRNA) COVID-19 vaccine, concerns are mounting regarding the safety and efficacy of this experimental technology.

The Japanese Ministry of Health has endorsed the use of the sa-mRNA jab, which is designed to create extended copies of synthetic mRNA, with the aim of boosting immunity without the need for frequent boosters.

Yet, as political leaders and public health officials in the U.S. assess the implications of this development, it begs the question: will American citizens face the same pressure to accept a new, largely untested vaccine?

The urgency surrounding the adoption of sa-mRNA technology is particularly concerning given that the trials have shown modest efficacy.

According to Dr. Peter McCullough, a prominent cardiologist who has been critical of vaccine safety protocols, the efficacy rating of 56% is far from compelling.

While proponents claim that these vaccines could safeguard public health, stories of adverse reactions and rising skepticism about the motives behind these new medical technologies persist.

The financial incentives behind this endeavor are hard to ignore.

Companies developing these mRNA vaccines stand to gain billions in profits, with contracts that include hefty financial milestones and royalties linked to various vaccine products.

As Dr. McCullough and other experts highlight the potential dangers of utilizing unusual viral components in these vaccines, including a mosquito-borne virus classified as a biosafety level 3 pathogen, the call for transparency grows louder.

Critics argue that Americans deserve to know more about the safety data and the long-term implications of receiving such technologically advanced treatments, particularly when previous vaccines have already sparked controversy.

The experience of Japan may serve as a stark warning for the U.S., highlighting that the corporate and governmental rush towards rapid vaccine deployment often overshadows critical safety evaluations.

In light of this new development, American citizens must remain vigilant.

As the possibility looms that similar technologies might be forced upon them, the ongoing dialogue about vaccine safety and public health remains crucial to ensuring that individual rights and freedoms are not overlooked in the name of expediency.


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