Alarm Over Alarming Rise In Pediatric Gender Treatments

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Shocking Reports Uncover Disturbing Trends in Pediatric Gender Treatments**

A newly released database has uncovered alarming data regarding the provision of sex change-related medical interventions to minors in Minnesota.

According to the “Stop the Harm Database” from medical watchdog group Do No Harm, 382 children in the state received such interventions between 2019 and 2023.

This includes 174 surgical procedures, exposing a dangerous trend being facilitated by some of the country’s leading hospitals.

Children’s Minnesota has been identified as one of the facilities involved, ranking as the third highest in the nation for administering these types of treatments.

While the hospital does not perform surgical procedures, it has prescribed hormones and puberty blockers to 54 pediatric patients, drawing scrutiny from concerned parents and lawmakers alike.

The database reveals a broader nationwide concern—with over 13,000 minors having received gender transition treatments, including 5,747 surgeries and over 62,000 hormone and puberty blocker prescriptions.

Doctors and researchers behind the initiative argue these interventions are often experimental and can lead to irreversible changes in minors.

Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, chairman of Do No Harm, emphasized that the knowledge gained from this database is integral to informing parents and policymakers about the experimental conditions some hospitals promote.

“Parents deserve to know the truth about the risks associated with these procedures,” Goldfarb stated.

Chloe Cole, a detransitioner who underwent a double mastectomy at just 15 years old, echoed these sentiments, urging vigilance against what she labels unscientific medical experiments.

“This database is a wake-up call to parents and politicians,” Cole remarked. “It exposes the harsh reality faced by many children who are vulnerable to being rushed into irreversible procedures.”

Minnesota lawmakers have also expressed alarm over the findings.

Sen. Andrew Mathews and Rep. Walter Hudson have called the initiative a critical tool in combating what they describe as an increasingly popular yet dangerous trend in pediatric healthcare.

“The database showcases the harm being done to our children under the guise of gender ideology,” Hudson asserted.

In light of these revelations, parents are encouraged to remain informed about the medical decisions being made on behalf of their children, ensuring they seek out evidence-based practices rather than ideological adherence.

As this debate continues, many are calling for greater oversight and transparency surrounding the practices of hospitals involved in administering puberty blockers, hormones, and surgical interventions to minors.

With growing calls from the community and legislators, it remains to be seen how medical facilities will respond to the mounting scrutiny focused on the safety and ethics of their practices concerning children.


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