Terror Plot Exposed: Election Day Threat Dismissed

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Terror Threat Foiled: Election Day Attack Plot Revealed**

In a shocking revelation, the FBI has arrested 27-year-old Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, an Afghan national residing in Oklahoma City, for allegedly preparing a terrorist attack on Election Day.

This foiled plot illustrates a troubling reality about the threats facing our nation, particularly during pivotal times like elections when large crowds gather.

Tawhedi, who gained entry into the United States in 2021 under a special immigrant visa, was reportedly influenced by the notorious Islamic State and had begun stockpiling automatic weapons for his intended attack.

His alarming activities included liquidating his family's assets and planning a one-way trip for his wife and child back to Afghanistan, suggesting a serious intent to carry out the attack.

According to the FBI, Tawhedi revealed plans to strike during Election Day gatherings, expressing a desire to die as a martyr.

Authorities became aware of Tawhedi's intentions through an investigation that uncovered communications between him and individuals associated with ISIS, as well as evidence of his active participation in pro-ISIS groups online.

The timing of this plot, aimed deliberately at disrupting the electoral process, underscores the critical need for vigilant national security measures and raises valid concerns about the adequacy of our immigration screening processes.

Attorney General Merrick Garland commended the FBI for its swift action in thwarting this potential tragedy, highlighting that combating terrorism remains a top priority for the Justice Department.

As we approach another election, this incident serves as a reminder of the continuous threat posed by extremists within our borders and the importance of strong law enforcement and intelligence capabilities.

The investigation continues, with Tawhedi facing serious charges that could lead to significant prison time if convicted.

The vigilance of federal agents has undoubtedly saved lives, reinforcing the imperative that America must remain committed to safeguarding its democratic processes against those who would seek to undermine them through violence.


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