Taiwanese Youth Prepare for Potential Chinese Invasion

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 hours ago

**Invasion** fears have sparked an unprecedented cultural shift in Taiwan, where citizens are now openly engaging with the grim prospect of a Chinese attack through art and games.

One standout response to these rising tensions is a newly launched board game titled “2045,” designed to simulate the possible scenarios of a Chinese invasion over the next two decades. Funded through an enthusiastic crowdfunding campaign that raised over $100,000, the game allows players to assume various roles, from Taiwanese officials to Chinese espionage agents, navigating a landscape marked by conflict and uncertainty.

KJ Chang, the founder of Mizo Games, explained that the idea behind “2045” was largely inspired by genuine military observations, stating, "We can’t predict the future, but if a conflict is unavoidable, I hope this game gives people a chance to experience war on the tabletop before it reaches us." This sentiment underscores a broader anxiety within Taiwan, particularly after recent provocations from Beijing and the stark realities faced by Ukrainians in the wake of their own conflicts.

The urgency felt by Taiwanese citizens is palpable, particularly among the younger generation who have become increasingly aware of the geopolitical landscape. Historical avoidance of discussing a potential invasion seems to have been replaced with a newfound drive to prepare mentally and culturally for the worst-case scenario.

Chang's initiative has also extended its educational reach, inviting all of Taiwan's 113 legislators to experience the game. This reflects a significant shift in how the government views and prepares for the looming threat from China.

Interestingly, the game has not only garnered support from local citizens but has also seen resistance in the broader marketplace. Despite the rise in online discussions about the game, potential collaboration with international publishers has been hindered by the sensitive subject matter. Moreover, there have been reports of social media platforms imposing “shadowbans” on advertisements for “2045,” revealing the lengths to which some entities will go to silence discussions deemed controversial.

As Taiwan grapples with its vulnerability, the emergence of projects like “2045” sheds light on the determination of its people to confront difficult realities head-on. Their proactive approach to survival and resistance against potential aggression is a reminder of the human spirit's resilience in the face of adversity.

Across the globe, such narratives raise questions about similar strategies other nations might deploy in the face of unmistakable threats. Taiwan's cultural shift towards preparedness and public discourse on its survival tactics invites a discussion on national identity and resilience. As the landscape continues to evolve, it will be crucial for Western allies, particularly the United States, to support Taiwan in its quest for maintaining independence and stability in a turbulent region.


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