Kamala Harris: A Recipe for Presidential Disaster

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Disaster: Kamala Harris Shows Unfitness for Presidency**

In the shadow of her Vice Presidency, Kamala Harris has reached out for the highest office in the land, but observers are quick to point out that her record reveals stark disqualifications.

Harris's tenure as “Border Czar” under President Biden has been marked by chaos and ineffective policies that have facilitated a massive surge of illegal immigration.

Over the past four years, the administration has overseen the entry of millions without adequate screening or background checks, compromising the safety of American communities.

Taxpayer-funded programs have thrown these undocumented individuals into local systems, stretching regional resources and placing undue stress on social services and healthcare.

Worse still, evidence suggests that many of these individuals include those with criminal backgrounds, posing a serious risk to public safety.

Beyond her failed border policies, Harris's commitment to free speech has left much to be desired.

Assertions she has made regarding oversight of social media indicate a troubling willingness to restrict the First Amendment rights of Americans, under the guise of combating misinformation.

Her recent appointment of Rob Flaherty, known for advocating governmental oversight of social media platforms, raises alarms about her respect for individual liberties.

In another alarming trend, Harris has actively participated in what many consider the weaponization of law enforcement against political opponents.

Following a critical statement from Democrat Tulsi Gabbard about Harris's knowledge and capabilities, Gabbard found herself monitored by TSA's controversial surveillance program.

This incident demonstrates a frightening willingness to use governmental powers to silence dissent and quash political opposition.

Harris also faces scrutiny for her past as a prosecutor in California, where her decisions have drawn criticism for neglecting justice in favor of political expedience.

During her time as District Attorney in San Francisco, she failed to take meaningful action against predatory clergy, and her office was called out for serious misconduct in prosecutions, damaging the fairness of the justice system.

These actions reveal a troubling pattern that calls into question her moral compass and her ability to uphold the Constitution she has sworn to protect.

As Harris pushes her candidacy forward, her selection of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz only heightens concerns regarding her judgment and policy alignments.

Walz's history of misinformation and ineffective governance mirrors the very issues that have plagued the Biden-Harris administration.

Kamala Harris's record demonstrates that she is ill-equipped to lead this great nation.

Her tenure has been marked by disregard for constitutional freedoms, ineffective governance, and a troubling willingness to manipulate the system to suit her political ambitions.

With her numerous glaring failures and untested policies, America must reconsider whether she is fit to serve as President.


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