Harris Faces Backlash as Trump Decries Border Collapse

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Chaos at the Border: Harris Under Fire as Trump Exposes Failed Leadership**

In a scathing critique of the current administration’s border policy, former President Donald Trump took aim at Vice President Kamala Harris, labeling her tenure as 'border czar' a profound failure.

Speaking at a press conference at Trump Tower, Trump predicted that Harris will soon stand in front of the border wall he constructed—an achievement he credits to his administration—while attempting to misattribute its success to her leadership.

“They’ve taken their drug dealers and they’ve emptied their jails almost. I guess they can’t get enough buses,” Trump declared.

He stressed that the influx of criminals from Central and South America under the Biden-Harris administration has reached alarming levels, stating emphatically, “They’re bringing people at record levels to our country. These are criminals.”

Trump's comments coincided with Harris's scheduled visit to Arizona, her first border appearance in nearly four years.

Critics were quick to note that the timing seemed less about solving the border crisis and more about crafting a favorable narrative at a photo-op. Observers are skeptical of Harris’s sincerity, especially since she has reported minimal engagement with border issues throughout her term.

While Harris and her team suggest that a border wall could be a viable solution under her administration, this stands in stark contrast to her historically dismissive stance on Trump's border initiatives. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm even labeled border security measures as wasteful, depending on whether or not they align with her party’s canons.

Trump did not hold back, urging Americans to see through the rhetoric: “She’ll be out there tomorrow, standing probably in front of the wall that I built, trying to say what a wonderful job she did,” he said, underlining a deep frustration with what he perceives as a lack of accountability among Democrats.

With crime surging in American cities and border security at an all-time low, the former president's remarks resonate with a growing number of constituents who feel abandoned by an administration that prioritizes political agendas over effective governance.

As the situation at the border continues to spiral out of control, the questions remain: How many more crises can Americans tolerate under this administration, and when will accountability be demanded from those in power?

Trump’s impassioned speech is a clarion call for Republicans and Americans alike to refocus on the foundational issues of law, order, and national security—principles that drive support for his candidacy and resonate deeply with the party’s base.


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