Migrant Children Exploitation: A Crisis Ignored By Biden

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 4 hours ago

**Disturbing Exploitation of Migrant Children Ramps Up Amid Border Crisis**

Recent reports have emerged detailing a shocking increase in the exploitation of migrant children at the southern border, raising serious concerns about the effectiveness of current immigration policies.

Border Patrol agents are sounding the alarm on the disturbing trend of smugglers drugging and exploiting vulnerable minors in their attempts to cross into the United States.

Children as young as eight years old have been found heavily sedated, with authorities uncovering a chilling practice of using these minors multiple times—essentially recycling them to pose as family units in order to gain entry.

One harrowing case cited involved a woman caught carrying two children aged 8 and 11, both of whom she drugged with sleeping pills. Despite her attempts to present herself as their mother, the birth certificates she produced did not match those of the children.

These incidents underscore a growing crisis at the border that many attribute to the lenient policies and oversight from the Biden-Harris administration.

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas has been vocal about this troubling situation, emphasizing that cartels are now turning these children into modern-day slaves as they sell them off for profit. Cruz pointed out that the thousands of wristbands worn by migrants—a grim symbol of their debts to smugglers—highlight the urgency for stronger border security measures.

“Every color corresponds to how many thousands of dollars they owe the cartels,” Cruz stated during a recent Senate hearing, reflecting a sentiment that is echoed among many who are advocating for a more robust response to these crimes.

Amidst this chaos, the Biden administration's expedited process for placing unaccompanied minors with sponsors has come under scrutiny. Reports indicate that many children are being quickly released to sponsors who exploit them financially, with testimonies revealing that some minors are being coerced into paying back hefty sums for their journey to the United States.

In a climate where accountability seems lacking, the failure to protect these vulnerable children raises concerns that can no longer be ignored. With figures indicating a staggering 320,000 unaccompanied minors currently unaccounted for, the call for serious reform and action is more critical than ever.

As Republicans campaign for stronger immigration policies, the exploitation of children at the border serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of failing to address this ongoing crisis.

The nation deserves a government that prioritizes the safety and well-being of all children, regardless of their background. It’s time for leadership that puts American values first and confronts these issues head-on.


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