General Milley's Betrayal: Celebrating Treasonous Actions

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Betrayal: General Milley Celebrated Despite Allegations of Treason**

In a striking display of misplaced priorities, General Mark Milley, the United States Army Chief of Staff, has recently come under fire for his actions surrounding the events of January 6, 2021. Instead of facing accountability for allegedly undermining the authority of a sitting president, Milley has been rewarded, raising serious questions about military leadership and loyalty to elected officials.

Documents have surfaced indicating that President Trump had requested 10,000 National Guard troops to be on standby during the Capitol protests, fulfilling his duty to ensure the safety of American citizens.

However, Milley, along with other senior Pentagon officials, disregarded these orders, prioritizing political optics over national security.

As reported, Chairman Loudermilk emphasized the disturbing nature of Milley’s actions. He noted that the Pentagon leadership intentionally misled Congressional leaders, which not only obstructed justice but left the nation vulnerable during a critical moment.

Milley’s failure to act on Trump’s clear directives and his alleged subsequent actions—such as seeking to secure military loyalty to himself and communicating with Chinese military leaders—have shaken the foundations of trust in our military hierarchy.

It is particularly alarming that Milley, who once professed to be concerned with the fiction of “white rage,” could perceive a greater threat from his own commander-in-chief than from outside adversaries.

Despite the gravity of these allegations, Milley continues to avoid direct accountability, failing to respond to Congressional inquiries about his alleged collusion and disregard for the chain of command.

As the nation reflects on the events of January 6, it is critical for American citizens to demand transparency and accountability from military leaders who may prioritize personal agendas over service to the country.

The American people deserve to know the truth about decisions that could have far-reaching implications for the integrity of our military and the safety of our democratic institutions.

As history reveals, the consequences of such betrayals can be profound and devastating, calling for a thorough investigation into Milley’s actions and the ramifications for those who chose to ignore their responsibility to this country.


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