Democrats' Overseas Voting Tactics: A Scheme Exposed

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Cheating to Victory: The Democrats' UOCAVA Scheme Exposed**

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, serious concerns are emerging about the Democrats' strategic focus on overseas ballots.

Recent reports have unveiled a troubling plan by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to capitalize on the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) to potentially sway the election in their favor.

Politico claims that Democrats aim to rally support from “overseas voters,” but the figures they're touting are raising eyebrows.

The DNC is reportedly attempting to mobilize votes from an estimated 9 million Americans living abroad, yet evidence suggests this number is vastly inflated.

In reality, federal data indicates that only about 2.8 million U.S. citizens overseas are of voting age, raising questions about where the DNC is pulling its statistics.

Historically, elections have turned on minute margins, and any illegitimate means to bolster voter rolls could significantly impact the outcome.

The 2000 election saw just 629 votes separate George W. Bush and Al Gore in Florida, a stark reminder of how pivotal every vote can be.

With Democrats announcing a six-figure investment in efforts to register overseas voters, one has to wonder: Are they truly aiming to enhance voter participation, or are they laying groundwork to engineer a win through dubious methods?

The relaxed conditions under which UOCAVA voters can register—often allowing anonymity and bypassing typical ID checks—could create openings for exploitation.

For instance, voters can claim any state address they wish, effectively allowing anyone to assume the identity of a voter in battleground states.

This raises an alarming concern for election integrity, as there is little to no verification process to ensure these individuals have a legitimate claim to vote in their purported home states.

Michigan has already shown signs of irregularities, with thousands of overseas registrations being switched to permanent voter status without due diligence.

In past elections, illegal ballot returns have been reported, leading to calls for increased scrutiny and improved legislative measures to protect the vote.

There’s a palpable sense that the DNC is not merely seeking participation, but rather seeking to pack the voter rolls with potentially questionable registrations to ensure victory at any cost.

As Republicans rally for the upcoming election, it’s imperative to ensure that these tactics are firmly opposed.

Voters deserve to have faith that every ballot cast is legitimate and stems from true voter intent, free of manipulation and deceit.

The stakes are high, and it’s crucial for Republicans to stand united in calling out any efforts that threaten the sanctity of our electoral process.

With the 2024 election looming, time is of the essence in protecting American democracy from the shadows of voter fraud and manipulation that some factions seem all too willing to exploit.


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