NYC COVID Czar Exposed for Partying During Lockdowns

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Hypocrisy at Its Finest: NYC's COVID Czar Exposed for Secret Drug-Fueled Parties Amid Lockdowns**

In a shocking revelation, Dr. Jay Varma, the former COVID Czar for New York City, has been caught on video confessing to hosting illicit drug and sex parties while imposing strict lockdown measures on the city’s residents.

During an undercover meeting with a reporter for Steven Crowder’s Mug Club, Varma candidly detailed how he hosted multiple wild gatherings in defiance of the very rules he set to control the spread of COVID-19.

As New Yorkers struggled under one of the most stringent lockdown regimes in the country, Varma, who was responsible for pushing these heavy-handed policies, was engaging in drug-fueled parties with friends, blatantly disregarding the guidelines he himself enforced.

“I had to be kind of sneaky about it,” Varma explained, acknowledging that while he demanded compliance from the public, he felt the need to “blow off steam” in private.

The hypocrisy is staggering. Varma's admission that he used substances like ecstasy while the city was under lockdown illustrates a blatant double standard that many have come to expect from those in power, particularly from the Democrat leadership in New York.

It seems the concerns about public health and safety were swiftly cast aside by the very officials tasked with protecting them.

New Yorkers were left to endure the pain of closed businesses and shuttered livelihoods, while Varma reveled in moments of escapism, seemingly immune to the consequences that his decisions imposed on the public.

As we approach the voting season, this incident serves as an important reminder of why we must hold elected officials accountable.

The contrast between the lives of the elites in New York and the everyday struggles of its residents continues to widen, reinforcing the argument that it is time for a political shift.

Given the rampant hypocrisy displayed by figures like Varma, it begs the question: How many more leaders are out there who would prioritize their personal pleasures over the well-being of those they govern?

This incident exemplifies why Democrats’ rigid COVID policies need serious reevaluation, and why leadership that respects personal freedoms and accountability is essential for the future of our cities and our great nation.


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