Universities Rebrand DEI: The Indoctination Continues Undeterred

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 8 hours ago

**Universities’ DEI Departments Become Masters of Disguise: The Rebranding of Ideological Indoctrination**

In a disconcerting trend, universities across the United States are adopting a new strategy to maintain their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives despite legislative actions aimed at dismantling these controversial programs.

Recent findings from CriticalRace.org highlight how over 700 colleges and universities have begun to rebrand their DEI departments under different guises, thereby circumventing the intent of laws designed to eliminate what many view as ideological indoctrination in higher education.

Schools in states such as Alabama, Florida, and Iowa, which enacted laws against DEI practices, have included in their responses the creation of new offices like the "Office of Access and Engagement" and the "Division of Access, Opportunity, and Diversity".

Despite claiming to eliminate DEI, these institutions seem to have only succeeded in changing the names of their offices while maintaining the same personnel and underlying ideologies.

One notable example is the University of Alabama, which disbanded its DEI office only to establish a new division still led by former DEI management.

Florida State University too has reportedly reclassified DEI roles, shifting titles without laying off staff, thereby suggesting a mere cosmetic change rather than a genuine shift away from DEI programming.

William A. Jacobson, a law professor and founder of CriticalRace.org, pointed out that these findings expose the entrenched nature of DEI ideologies within higher education. He emphasized that legislative efforts to eradicate DEI require sustained and comprehensive strategies rather than one-time actions.

"We predicted a year ago after the Supreme Court's ruling on affirmative action that DEI would not disappear but would instead go underground," Jacobson stated.

The trend raises serious questions about the integrity of educational institutions that are supposed to focus on objective education rather than advocacy for specific ideologies.

With indications that DEI initiatives are now simply rebranded and restructured, it is crucial for concerned citizens and lawmakers to remain vigilant against the infiltration of these divisive concepts into higher education.

As we approach pivotal elections, maintaining transparency and accountability in educational practices will be essential to ensuring that universities serve their true purpose: fostering informed and open-minded discourse rather than promoting divisive ideological constructs.

The battle against DEI's ideological grip on education may be just beginning, but proactive measures like those championed by conservative leaders promise a hopeful future of genuine educational reform.


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