Democrats Reject Bill to Deport Violent Criminal Immigrants

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 9 hours ago

**Outrage as Democrats Block Bill to Deport Violent Criminal Immigrants**

In a shocking move that prioritizes political allegiance over public safety, more than 150 House Democrats voted against a critical bill aimed at deporting illegal immigrants convicted of violent crimes, including sexual offenses.

The bill, known as the Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act, champions the rights of American citizens by making it clear that those who commit heinous acts—such as domestic violence, child abuse, and stalking—should be removed from our communities.

In stark contrast to the bipartisan support from Republicans, only 51 Democrats displayed the courage to vote in favor of the bill, which passed with a solid tally of 266 to 158 on the House floor.

Critics have rightly called out the opposition from the Democratic party as a severe misstep in safeguarding vulnerable citizens from violent offenders who should not be here in the first place.

Under current law, individuals convicted of serious crimes involving moral turpitude are deemed inadmissible, yet the Democrats have chosen to shield violent illegal immigrants instead of protecting American women and children from potential harm.

This pattern of prioritizing immigration rights over citizens’ safety has emerged as a recurring theme, raising alarm about the safety of our communities.

The bill's sponsor, Rep. Nancy Mace, emphasized the necessity of this legislation, stating, “Illegal immigrants with a violent record against women and kids should immediately be deported.”

With statistics indicating over 52,000 arrests of illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds—including those convicted of domestic violence—the need for such measures has never been more pressing.

The Democratic party's dismissive stance is troubling, especially when one considers the harrowing stories of Americans victimized by those who should never have crossed our borders.

The tragic tale of Laken Riley, brutally murdered earlier this year by a Venezuelan national who entered the U.S. illegally, haunts families across our nation.

As violence continues to plague our communities, the pushback from the left against common-sense immigration reforms signals a disconcerting unwillingness to confront the reality that not all who enter our borders seek to become contributing members of society.

As Republicans continue battling for the safety of the American public, the Democrats' refusal to support measures that could save lives raises important questions about their priorities and commitment to public safety.

The passage of the Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act is a clear victory for those who believe in a lawful and safe America.

As the debate continues, one thing is clear: the American people deserve leaders who prioritize their safety over political gain.


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