Biden's Energy Policies Threaten America's Economic Stability

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 10 hours ago

**Crisis** looms as America’s energy policy falters under the Biden administration.

Chevron CEO Mike Wirth recently spotlighted alarming energy policies at the Gastech conference in Houston, warning that the far-left agenda threatens both economic stability and environmental progress.

Wirth vehemently criticized the Biden administration's moratorium on new liquefied natural gas (LNG) export permits, asserting that these radical policies have escalated energy costs and compromised the energy security of America's allies.

He insisted that the administration's misguided focus on banning fossil fuel energy is counterproductive to genuine climate initiatives, stating, “Instead of imposing a moratorium on LNG exports, the administration should stop the attacks on natural gas.”

The CEO's comments come on the heels of the January decision to halt new LNG licenses, which many believe was part of a politically motivated effort to appease far-left climate activists at the expense of sound energy policy.

Wirth shed light on the negative implications of these decisions, explaining that removing potential LNG supplies from the market could lead to higher energy prices and increased carbon emissions.

He pointedly remarked that the transition from coal to natural gas could be “the single greatest carbon reduction initiative in history,” yet the administration appears more focused on advancing a radical green agenda than on practical solutions backed by science.

In advocating for a more balanced approach to energy policy, Wirth called for dialogue grounded in “realistic science and impartial data” instead of advocacy agendas.

As the United States grapples with the immense challenges posed by energy shortages and the reliability of its power grid, Wirth argues it is critical that consumers and industry leaders unite in rejecting the untenable demands of green radicalism that have taken hold in Washington.

The potential benefits of natural gas should not be obstructed by the unfounded hysteria promoted by a small but vocal group of climate extremists.

The administration must heed these warnings and shift focus toward policies that ensure energy security and drive economic growth, safeguarding the interests of American families and businesses.

In times like these, it's imperative to prioritize effective energy strategies over ideological pursuits that lead to crises rather than solutions.


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