Massie Defends Constitution Against Global Governance Threats

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 18 hours ago

**Defiance Against Global Overreach: Massie Stands Firm on Constitutional Principles**

In an emphatic declaration that resonates with many Americans, Congressman Thomas Massie has taken a bold stance against the World Health Organization (WHO), affirming that international treaties cannot supersede the U.S. Constitution.

Massie's remarks come in response to growing concerns over the WHO's influence on national sovereignty.

With the Biden administration considering agreements that could hand over substantial control to global organizations, Massie’s assertion emphasizes the importance of maintaining the foundational principles outlined in the Constitution.

“This is America, not a global governance project,” Massie stated during a recent press conference.

His defense of the Constitution reflects a broader trend within Republican circles, where a commitment to national sovereignty is viewed as both a conservative priority and a necessity in the face of increasing globalism.

The implications of Massie's comments extend beyond mere rhetoric.

He has effectively called attention to the threat that unchecked international agreements pose to American freedoms and liberties.

In a time when the integrity of the Constitution is repeatedly challenged, Massie's vocal stand ensures that these discussions remain at the forefront of conservative discourse.

This courageous stance is a call to action for fellow lawmakers and citizens alike to engage in the fight against encroaching federal powers and international mandates.

As the WHO continues to seek greater authority over health policies worldwide, Massie’s insistence on constitutional primacy serves as a reminder: the rights of Americans cannot and should not be dictated by foreign entities.

Through this unwavering commitment to the Constitution, Massie is not only protecting his constituents but is also echoing the sentiments of a nation weary of foreign overreach.

Republicans and concerned citizens are encouraged to rally behind these principles, ensuring that American sovereignty remains intact and that the Constitution is upheld for generations to come.


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