Harris Evades Responsibility as Biden's Economy Crumbles

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 1 day ago

**Biden Administration's Economic Failures Exposed: Kamala Harris Dodges Key Questions Amid Rising Prices**

In a revealing moment at the National Association of Black Journalists gathering, Vice President Kamala Harris was confronted with a question that has been on the minds of many Americans: "Are people better off now than they were four years ago?"

Instead of providing a straightforward answer, Harris opted to deflect, citing the circumstances she claims to have inherited when she took office, including "the worst unemployment since the Great Depression."

This statement has been widely called into question.

While it's true that the unemployment rate spiked dramatically in April 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to note that it had already begun to decline by the time Harris and President Biden were inaugurated. By January 2021, unemployment had dropped to 6.4%, significantly lower than several historic lows during the previous Obama administration, which peaked at 10%.

Moreover, the drastic unemployment increase was largely due to government-imposed lockdowns that were more aggressively enforced by Democratic leaders, frustrating many Americans who were eager to return to work.

Harris's avoidance of the central question reveals the administration's struggle to defend its track record. When pressed about the rising costs of living affecting everyday Americans, she readily admitted, "Is the price of groceries still too high? Yes."

According to recent reports, grocery prices have surged by over 21% since Harris took office, leaving countless families to grapple with escalating costs and diminished purchasing power.

These figures starkly contrast with the prosperity seen under the Trump administration, where job growth and wage increases were the norms.

Adding to the growing concerns about the Biden-Harris administration's focus, Harris hinted at potential support for reparations during the same Q&A session. This move is seen as an attempt to appeal to specific constituencies but has raised eyebrows and skepticism across the political spectrum.

As Harris continues to deflect responsibility and engage in partisan rhetoric, many Americans are left wondering whether this administration truly understands the struggles they face day-to-day.

The disconnect between Harris's narrative and the lived experiences of citizens signals a troubling trend for the Democrats as they aim to maintain their footing ahead of the upcoming election.

While Republicans and conservatives grapple with how to best respond to this lagging administration, the economic realities remain a critical focal point for voters as they consider their choices in the coming months. The stark differences in leadership and policy execution will be a deciding factor as Americans head to the polls in November.


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