Nevada Elections Under Fire: Voter Roll Integrity Questioned

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 4 days ago

**Disarray in Elections: Nevada's Voter Rolls Under Scrutiny**

A legal challenge has been filed against Nevada’s Secretary of State, Cisco Aguilar, raising serious alarms about the integrity of the state's voter rolls.

The lawsuit, initiated by the Trump campaign, the Republican National Committee, the Nevada GOP, and a concerned resident, alleges that Aguilar has failed to fulfill his legal obligations to maintain accurate voter registration, potentially allowing non-citizens to remain on the rolls.

This comes on the heels of alarming reports suggesting that nearly 4,000 non-citizens may have cast ballots during the contentious 2020 election.

Michael McDonald, the Chair of the Nevada GOP, expressed outrage, stating, “Nevada’s elections should be a reflection of its citizens’ voices, not influenced by non-citizens who have no legal standing to participate.”

He emphasized that the failure to confirm citizenship among registered voters undermines the foundational principle of fair elections in the state.

The lawsuit specifically names the Democratic National Committee and the Nevada Democratic Party alongside Aguilar, alleging a systematic neglect of duties required by state law. The plaintiffs argue that the Secretary of State has not instituted any rules or regulations to verify citizenship status for registered voters or to remove non-citizens from the rolls.

This legal development is not merely a procedural concern; it raises questions about the very essence of electoral integrity.

In prior elections, Republican leaders had expressed their apprehensions regarding voting accuracy. With these new allegations in Nevada, those concerns gain further traction.

Interestingly, a sworn affidavit from former RNC Chief Data Officer Jesse Kamzol indicated that he found high confidence matches showing nearly 6,300 non-citizens registered to vote, with a staggering 3,987 confirmed to have voted in the 2020 election. Such data cannot simply be dismissed.

Despite reassurances from a spokesperson for Secretary Aguilar that “only United States citizens are eligible to vote in Nevada,” many remain skeptical.

The consequences of unchecked voting practices could not only affect local elections but could distort national results as well.

The lawsuit demands that the court issue a permanent injunction requiring Aguilar to enact systematic checks to ensure that only citizens are registered to vote, adding an urgent layer to the ongoing conversation about election integrity.

As we move closer to the November elections, the implications of this legal battle could resonate throughout Nevada and potentially influence national attitudes toward voting safeguards.

This situation underscores a critical moment: will state officials uphold the integrity of the electoral process, or will their negligence paves the way for future chaos?


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