Reckless Spending By Harris Fuels America’s Debt Crisis

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 6 days ago

**Warning: America’s Debt Crisis Looms Larger Than Ever**

The alarming surge in America’s national debt has reached a staggering $35.3 trillion, raising serious concerns about the fiscal management of the current administration.

In less than a year, the federal government has increased this debt by an astounding $1.9 trillion, marking a reckless trajectory during a period of supposed economic growth.

Experts predict that if this administration continues on its current path, the Treasury's own estimates show an additional $16 trillion in debt could accumulate by 2034.

This projection does not even factor in the potential for a recession or a slowdown in tax revenues.

The Congressional Budget Office has highlighted Vice President Kamala Harris’s economic approach, indicating it would exacerbate the situation by adding up to an additional $2.2 trillion to the national debt.

So far, the Harris campaign has offered little more than vague promises of "efficiency" and the discredited notion that hiking taxes on the wealthy could somehow solve the spending crisis.

Unfortunately, history has shown that these approaches fail to address the ballooning deficit, which sits at a crippling $2 trillion annually.

While some economists argue that rising debt isn’t inherently detrimental, it becomes a cause for concern when it is largely unproductive borrowing.

This is particularly true in the context of deteriorating economic growth, starkly evidenced from 2021 to 2024, a period marked as the worst growth years since the 1930s when adjusted for government debt accumulation.

Amidst all this, it’s vital to recognize that government borrowing does not come without consequences.

The government relies on taxing the productive sectors of society and borrowing against future earnings—actions that inevitably lead to inflation and diminished purchasing power for ordinary Americans.

The reckless spending proposed by Harris and her allies threatens to undermine the very economic fabric of our nation.

As we examine the current state of America’s economy, it becomes increasingly evident that a shift in fiscal policy is urgently needed.

Tax cuts, rather than being demonized, should be viewed as a crucial strategy to stimulate growth and empower the private sector to retain more of what it earns.

The notion that the government knows better about spending personal earnings is misguided at best.

Ultimately, we must remain vigilant against the continuation of policies that jeopardize American prosperity.

Concerns about growing debt and the reckless notion of “unlimited resources” should serve as a wake-up call to all Americans.

If nothing is done to curb this spiraling debt, we risk losing the very Dollar that has long been the backbone of our economy.

It’s time for common-sense solutions, not empty promises—before it’s too late.


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