DEI Programs Discriminate Against Non-Hispanic Students: Complaint

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 7 days ago

**Discrimination Unmasked: DEI Programs Targeting Non-Hispanic Students?**

A federal complaint has been filed against the University of California, Berkeley, claiming that its Haas School of Business is violating civil rights laws by limiting eligibility for the Haas Thrive Fellows Program to specific racial and ethnic groups.

The Equal Protection Project (EPP) asserts that this program effectively excludes non-Hispanic individuals from pursuing an MBA, sending a clear message that non-Hispanic students need not apply.

This claim has ignited significant debate regarding the consequences of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in American higher education.

William Jacobson, founder of the EPP, argues that Berkeley's actions contradict the university's stated policies against discrimination based on race and national origin.

"By conditioning access to opportunities on race, Berkeley is sending a harmful message that undermines the principles of equality," Jacobson stated.

The complaint to the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights asserts that the Haas program violates Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Jacobson stated, "Discrimination does not become lawful just because there is a diverse group of victims."

The Haas Thrive Fellows Program has been met with criticism not just at Berkeley, but across various universities where similar DEI initiatives have raised concerns about fairness and inclusion.

While advocates claim DEI programs are designed to help rectify historical injustices, many critics view these policies as a new form of discrimination that prioritizes certain ethnic groups over others, often at the expense of merit-based opportunities.

This complaint follows a series of actions taken by the EPP against several other institutions, suggesting a growing movement to challenge discriminatory practices that cloak themselves under the guise of inclusivity.

As universities continue to grapple with the implications of their DEI policies, this case at UC Berkeley will likely serve as a landmark example of the complexities surrounding race, opportunity, and fairness in education.

The EPP's efforts mirror a wider call from conservatives advocating for an educational landscape that truly embodies the principles of equal opportunity for all, irrespective of race or ethnicity.

With public sentiment shifting against bloated DEI initiatives, the eyes of many stakeholders in education are now focused on how Berkeley will respond to this pressing issue.


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