USDA's Risky China Collaboration Threatens Public Safety

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 9 days ago

**Scandalous Collaboration: USDA Bypasses Transparency in Risky Research with China**

Newly uncovered documents have shed light on a troubling collaboration between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Chinese research institutions, raising alarm bells among concerned citizens and lawmakers alike.

In a time when trust in government agencies is critical, the USDA is found to be engaged in ongoing gain-of-function research, funded by American taxpayers, with entities tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This partnership facilitates a risky $1 million project focused on bird flu studies, primarily at the infamous labs in Wuhan.

Despite the serious fallout from previous gain-of-function research linked to the coronavirus pandemic, the USDA's actions suggest an alarming disregard for public safety.

During a recent congressional hearing, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack downplayed the extent of this collaboration, claiming, “It’s really not a collaboration per se” and insisted there was no data sharing with China. However, documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request reveal a starkly different reality.

Records indicate that the USDA has a formal agreement entitled “US-UK-China Collab,” confirming that American researchers would not only share research data but also travel to China for direct collaboration—contradicting Vilsack’s testimony. Such misrepresentation raises serious ethical questions about transparency and accountability within the USDA.

Furthermore, the nature of the experiments being conducted is deeply concerning. The research involves infecting animals with highly pathogenic avian influenza strains and allowing them to endure severe experimentation, often without any pain relief. Such practices not only violate humane treatment standards but also pose a potential biosecurity risk, given the history of pathogens jumping from animals to humans.

This shocking neglect for proper oversight sparks renewed calls from congressional leaders for greater scrutiny of government spending. Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle expressed outrage over taxpayer money being funneled into potentially dangerous research with little accountability. The question looms: Why is the Biden administration continuing this hazardous taxpayer-funded collaboration with Chinese labs?

As these startling details emerge, it becomes increasingly crucial for Americans to demand accountability from their officials. Reports of secretive partnerships and questionable research practices should compel Congress to take decisive action. A return to rigorous oversight of how taxpayer dollars are used, particularly in collaboration with adversarial countries like China, is needed now more than ever.

Citizens are urged to engage with their representatives to advocate for the passage of legislation that prioritizes transparency and responsibility in government-funded scientific research. The risks are too great to ignore, and the future of public health should not rest in the hands of organizations that seem willing to sacrifice safety for misguided collaboration.

As this story develops, one thing remains clear: Americans are justified in demanding answers and accountability from their government officials tasked with protecting public interests.


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