Bidenomics: The Inflation Crisis Americans Can't Ignore

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 9 days ago

**Inflation: The Hidden Tax Americans Can't Ignore**

Recent statements from Vice President Kamala Harris touting the supposed successes of “Bidenomics” raise more questions than answers.

While Harris claims that the administration is “bringing inflation down," recent reports paint a starkly different picture.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) remains at 2.9%, up significantly from just 1.4% when this administration took office.

Many Americans are feeling the squeeze as prices of everyday goods continue to rise, despite the narrative from the White House.

Harris's assertions fall flat in the face of reality: the cumulative inflation since January 2021 indicates that inflation has surged over 20%.

In an age where inflation acts as a hidden tax, it’s troubling that Harris deflects accountability onto external factors such as the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and nebulous “supply chain disruptions.”

Recent trends show that while some commodity prices have dipped, inflation clings stubbornly to the economy.

This points to a troubling truth: inflation is often a product of the government's own policies.

Harris's administration has resorted to blaming “greedy grocery stores” and corporate entities for inflationary pressures—a tactic that many see as a desperate attempt to distract from systemic failures.

The reality is that inflation emerges from government intervention, excessive spending, and monetary policies favoring debt accumulation.

With public debt now soaring past $35 trillion and a projected $16.3 trillion deficit looming over the next decade, it’s clear that the Biden administration's economic strategies are only exacerbating the issue.

In attempting to justify heightened taxes and interventionist policies, Harris's team seems to overlook basic economic principles.

Instead of addressing causing factors, they attempt to frame the argument against businesses and corporations as the culprits.

However, prices are ultimately influenced by government policy rather than corporate greed, as businesses typically strive for efficiency and competition to attract customers.

In their quest to downplay economic failures, the current administration's emphasis on increasing the size of government further pushes our economy towards dependency on federal assistance.

This ongoing narrative of blaming external entities detracts from the need for genuine discussion about fiscal responsibility and limited government intervention.

As the people of this nation face higher prices, stagnating wages, and increased reliance on government support, it's clear the stakes are high.

The question then remains: will our leaders hold themselves accountable, or will they continue to insist that their economic policies are working as intended, all while average Americans feel the weight of inflation on their backs?

As we look ahead, it’s imperative that voters recognize the implications of these policies and demand a return to principles that prioritize economic growth and responsible governance, rather than expanding government control.


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