Biden's Open Borders Devastate American Labor Market

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 10 days ago

The Biden-Harris administration’s reckless open-border policies are shattering the foundation of the American labor market.

Recent data from the U.S. Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reveals a troubling trend of job growth benefiting foreign-born workers, while native-born Americans struggle to reclaim pre-pandemic employment levels.

In a stark illustration of the economic implications of these policies, the labor force participation rate among foreign-born residents has soared to nearly 70 percent.

Meanwhile, the participation rate for native Americans remains stubbornly below pre-COVID levels.

These figures raise serious concerns about the direction of our economy.

Many of the foreign-born workers entering the labor market are among the least educated, with a significant percentage lacking even a high school diploma.

The unemployment rate for immigrants is nearly double that of their native counterparts, further indicating a troubling reliance on cheap imported labor.

Since the beginning of 2021, a staggering net increase of 9 million immigrants—both legal and illegal—has entered the United States.

Over two-thirds of these immigrants are in the country illegally, adding to the growing strain on resources and services that should prioritize American citizens.

The influx of foreign workers has not only distorted wage growth but has also created a burgeoning underclass of low-wage earners, further entrenching economic disparities.

Democratic leaders appear to view this growing demographic as a potential base for future electoral support, fundamentally altering the political landscape while sidelining the interests of American workers.

With the Biden-Harris administration failing to stabilize the job market for native Americans, it becomes increasingly clear that a shift in leadership is necessary to protect the interests of hardworking families across the nation.

The time has come for a return to policies that prioritize American citizens and restore balance to our labor market.


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